If you're interested in a Kubota Power Harrow for sale, here are the FARMMASTER equivalent power Harrows for sale:
Kubota PH1 - 1.1M WORKING WIDTH - 18CM WORKING DEPTH - 10 TINES - WEIGHT 220KG; equivalent is the FARMASTER PH-100 Power Harrow for sale.
Kubota PH2 - 1.3M WORKING WIDTH - 18CM WORKING DEPTH - 12 TINES - WEIGHT 235KG; equivalent is the FARMMASTER PH-130 Power Harrow for sale.
Kubota Power Harrows
3-point linkage mounted, PTO driven Power Harrows are for clod busting. Whilst these compact tractor attachments for sale usually follow the plough, they can be used for the first pass where less depth of cultivation is required in lighter soils. The vertically mounted shafts house 2 blades each, and there is a choice of 3 different machine widths operating at a working depth of approx 6-7 inches. inches.
A rotary power harrow for sale, or compact tractor power harrow, has various sets of vertical tines. Each collection of tines is revolved on a vertical axis and tills the earth horizontally. The effect is that, unlike a rotary tiller, soil layers are not inverted or turned over, which is helpful in preventing dormant weed seeds from being taken to the surface, and there is no horizontal slicing of the soil subsurface that can lead to hardpan formation. The Power Harrows is equipped with rotary harrow tines which are inspired in rotation to exercise a powerful breaking-up and/or soil crumbling movement and usually are used after ploughing. The PTO Harrow tines must, out of necessity, be created very robustly, both in their ground/soil engaging pieces and also in the manner in which they are attached to the harrow frame. The FARMASTER Power Harrow is the possibly the best power harrow, as its rotary harrow tines are of one-piece forged construction, and also heat-treated to improve the wear endurance of the working tip, and also the fatigue protection of the entire tine. This is an ideal alternative to a Kubota power harrow for sale and fits a Kubota compact tractor, Kioti tractor, Branson tractors, and much more.